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قديم 08-07-2019, 02:23 AM رقم المشاركة : 1
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admin غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي Humans and animals, cities, forests and seas. And where do you live?

[RIGHT]Humans and animals, cities, forests and seas. And where do you live? Creation of Allah in the heavens and in the Earth from land, sea and in temperament, make some some like animal and human-animal resembles some human, and don't like the fact that true human and animal lives! Rather than imitating the foul just already but also in human satisfaction from doing some animal or human, whether good or evil. I like animals is an assault on the weak powers of animals or other humans, who was this Edition or the satisfaction of animals on each other or on other animals or humans, it is characteristic of this breed of animals, as well as some characteristics of these animals qualities of goodness as non-aggression and championing the weak and helping the needy. It is any foul temper? If you like good people, I wish you the best of luck, and that was like the people of evil, be sure to change it or don't blame only yourself! Philanthropist.[/RIGHT]

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